Tuesday, April 7, 2009

One on One Appointments!!!!

Hello Everyone,

I do not know about you, but I have a ton of research papers and stuff to do every semester. Many of you come to the Ask Here desk, the reference desk, to get assistance with your research, which is cool because we're here to make your life easier.

I know that sometimes when I am working someone is bound to come up with a topic that I have no clue where to begin and I need to try a couple of things out first. Some people find that annoying and really just want the results and a discussion of the research findings. Other times you want an intensive research session with someone. If you are like me and working on your Masters thesis, it's always nice to have a person help you with your research and make sure you found everything under the sun. Unfortunately, there may be a line, and the reference librarian may not be able to give you the attention you need.

I completely understand this sentiment, and there is a solution for your problem!!!! We have these beautiful green Research Consultation forms at the Ask Here desk. Here is how it works, you fill out the form, and we will assign a reference librarian to give you a half hour appointment to go over your research. The reference librarians here do their research early so you don't have sit there and wait while they tweak the results.

There's no limit on the number of times you could use this resource!!! So drop on by any time and schedule a one on one research appointment.

Until next time,


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