Friday, December 11, 2009

More Digitized Vinyl Treasures Available to You

The Dickens classic was appropriately requested and uploaded in the vinyl digitization project. Will the spirits once again convince our favorite curmudgeon, played by Ralph Richardson, to change his ways?

There have been some other recent additions to the vinyl digitization project including actor Vincent Price reading the poetry of British Romantic poet Percy Bysshe Shelley. Who can resist Price’s “Ozymandias” interpretation? The collection is available for listening through the Marywood University library catalog ( by clicking on “Digital Library,” “Hyperion Hierarchy,” and “Vinyl Digitization.” If there are problems with viewing the album art or listening to the files, pop-up blockers may need to be disabled.

The vinyl digitization collection only contains a small fraction of the 5,400 titles held by the library. This is a massive and diverse collection, and suggestions for records to be digitized and uploaded are welcome. The most direct way to search or browse the available titles is to visit the library catalog (, click on “Power Search,” and limit “Item Category 1” to “Sound Recording.” It is then possible to browse titles without entering specific terms or to search with subject, title, or artist terms. Priority is given to the titles with the strongest potential educational value (meaning items that can be used for classroom listening or academic projects). If there are any suggestions, questions, or problems, contact Jim Frutchey at or 348-6211 x2172.

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